Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?

Only reason I ask is because it will be pushing Salk Veracity Ht2-TL’s...  Im coming off a Belles Aria, which was fantastic, but wanted to try something different.  My concern is the low wattage of the Raven and low sensitivity of the salks, but my Belles 75 watts sounded better than 3 other nice 225 watt integrateds.  
So, anyone with experience with the Raven Blackhawk LE pushing somewhat low sensitivity speakers chime in and let me know.  

Well I dont sell Schiit so you are in luck or most likely I am in luck.

Listen I dont care what you think of me but please pay attention to what MC says. Apply what you know to what he says. First of all he shills at every opportunity for several products ad nauseum. I guess if you like these products is it O.K. huh? What he doesnt say is he likes these products, he implies these products are the best. Also with a good measure of "I have heard everything". He oversimplifies some very complex issues and conveys audio as a right or wrong proposition. Which of course it is not. But when he states something that is demonstrably incorrect he needs to be called out. If he wasnt so definitive I wouldnt approach him so aggressively. 

Sorry but incorrect statements are never right even if they come from a good place. Wrong is wrong and having it floating out there does no one any good. Please find me any person, expert or otherwise, that states that tube watts are different than S.S. watts. Sure they sound different but they arent different in terms of output. 

@audition__audio What a fine post. I appreciate where you are coming from and it was a kindly worded statement that truth matters. I suspect it will be met with the usual but I appreciate your words. Peace.
I don’t agree with millercarbon on everything, but it’s sad to see him getting attacked like this.

+1 for millercarbon.

Too funny. Pretty much all the haters have so little on the ball it is more embarrassing themselves than doing any real harm to me. We are after all making progress, building a better more informative forum for the exchange of ideas.

Sure the MDS is sad and can get a bit tedious at times. Although, I do think maybe there is another way of looking at it. Truth be told, it is a little like John Wick. Without all the villains trying to take him out, where would he be? At home with his dog. Who wants to watch that?
People can learn from this, I mean if they are the least bit inclined to learning in the first place. Watts are not all created the same. If anyone proved that you just did, with a 20W tube amp that plays "right up to a satisfying level" like the 75W SS you just had- which in turn was better than 100-200 watt amps.    

As a one Mr Sanchez said, 'actually, let me get out my white board, this has been a long time coming'.

This plays out in harmonics and levels of harmonics and how closely they are spaced, and if they are odd or even harmonics.

all due to how the ear works. How many cilia are pressed back which is due to the frequency and the loudness of the given sounds an harmonic structure. how long each cilia is held back.

this gives is the impression of 'musical density' and 'loudness'.

the ear brain, as the worlds most sophisticated and self adjusting FFT analysis system, has to work with just the peaks in the signal, just the positive leading edges of macro and micro peaks, and how that plays out in un even and almost random patterned  high and low pressure  (air and mechanical) zones in the actions within the ear itself.

since each ear and brain is individual in build, execution and overall possesses  micro differences in each, then we find that we learn and hear differently, but with similarities due to similar build of the one ear vs the next.

since the brain is a big component of each overall 'hearing system' we find that intelligence or overall aspects of neural connectivity in one brain vs the next also plays into what people hear and what they are capable of hearing.

since cognition and innate intelligence and capacity for learning and so on also plays into it...
..one can get a less capable ear and brain crying that it is all a bunch of hooey that it is all charlatans and snake oil...while the next person...  is likely to hear all that is speculated, and hear it quite clearly.

and is thus able to  navigate the cognitive and learning pathway and  come to be more informed than the one who is crying that it is all imagination and not real.

Where, to be safe in a world of unrecognized unknowns...Lack of intelligence and capacity has a tendency to fall back on 'negative proofing' as a logic sorting methodology.Literally a core animal behavior outside of intelligence, hanging on the periphery, injecting itself as a solution to the problem of complex unknowns (for that level of mentality, seeing it as unknowns).

to the point that the renaissance people who created the art of intellectual exploration of logic, ie science..these core people of science created the area of negative proofing and dogmatic engineering to help those mentally arranged people ---be useful to society. 

They literally formalized a category of education in the mentality situation of the frighteningly common area of human capacities... known as dogmatic thinking ( the mis applied component of logic functions known as negative proofing) ..so as to help humanity have enough people involved in building out the modern world.

The open minded audiophile can be moving many many miles further down the road (learning, openly!) of informed intelligence... than the naysayer... and leave the naysayer in the intellectual and reasoning  dust.. the open minded cognating audiophile..can continue moving forward and learning more and more and more..and enjoying every second if it.

All while the negative proofer naysayer continues being frozen in time. safe from the unknowns but learning nothing further. Cut off from advancing, or moving forward at all.

While the exploring and open minded audiophile is moving away from them intellectually and in their knowledge base ...at what is sometimes (and usually is) a breakaway speed.

As Mr Sanchez concluded, "So, everybody clear about their place in the world now?"
Which only goes to show, "All watts are not created equal" is a whole lot more mellifluous. Come to think of it, so are tubes.