Audioquest Water XLR Interconnects

Hi all -
Just installed a pair of Audioquest Water XLR Interconnects between my preamp and my monoblocks.

They are replacing a pair of Cardas Quadlink 5-c XLR Interconnects.

I'd like to hear what difference I should be experiencing, then I will tell you what I am finding.

Please let's keep this focused on the Audioquest Water XLR Interconnects

Thanks in advance....

Speackers: B&W 802 D (First of the Diamonds)
Amps: Classe Cam-200
Preamp: Bryston BP-26
CD Player: Mark Levinson 5100
Would anyone suggest unbalanced from cdplayer to preamp, then balanced from preamp to power amps?

Or, stay balanced throughout?
my cd player, mark levinson 5100, has 7 PCM filters:

fast minimum phase
slow minimum phase
apodiz fast
hybrid fast minimum phase
fast linear
slow linear

I'm unfamilair with the concept of PCM filters. Would any of these settings take the edge off of my issue of brightness?
Your speakers are bright. If you do not like that you should get something more neutral. Trying to solve the problem with the setting on a CD player is not a solution. You can certainly experiment and see but it's not a solution. If you like the brightness and not the edge. Get better cables. Talk to a dealer. The Audioquest Water cables are good but your system will benefit more from better cables.
in my experience balanced cables using differentially balanced circuits make cable differences very small.   On the other hand I have never had good results with Cardas
I've heard that my 802d's are a bright speaker. I auditioned a pair of Focal Sopra 3's and thought they were equally as bright.

Any suggestions for a neutral speaker that are as full range as these other two and capable of filling a room with sound?