Table for your Turntable? Show ‘em offf!

  1. Anyone else out there found that perfect table to proudly showcase your Turntable on? Not just a regular stand, but a table worthy of resting your prize possession on? A table that will impress company when they come over? Maybe you custom built your own, because you just couldn’t find what you wanted? Take a picture and add what make & model Turntable. I’m still searching for mine. I found one, but it got sold Before I got off of work.
This site is from the 90s. EVERY other forum has provisions to insert pictures in posts. Ancient tech here.

Apollo wall shelf made of solid steel. Replaced wooden insert with a maple butcher block acoustics 1.5 inch slab. You could sit on the shelf if you wanted to, it ain't budging, mounted to concrete. Looks great and provides all the isolation I'll ever need.
As an aside, I learned not to jump up and down when I use my turntable.  Fixed the vibration problem just like that.