Even bookshelf speakers need power.
Run a old BIC d62 pair with a yammy receiver w a tiny 80 W RMS.
RAN THEM WITH MY SUNFIRE SIG 600, No I didn’t kill them, I played them with their power as specs, sounded great,
Know the limit of the speakers, and how hard to push them. Have 3 systems, main, 2nd and my 3rd which is BIC v-630’s with yammy 80 W receiver , hooked to my SL-1200MK2 to record to computer, with a few cartridges, Arkiv, and nightclub II TO RECORD LPS TO HARD DRIVE
USE audiolab 2.0.
Then record to cd to play.
I love the snaps and pops of the recordings!j
Run a old BIC d62 pair with a yammy receiver w a tiny 80 W RMS.
RAN THEM WITH MY SUNFIRE SIG 600, No I didn’t kill them, I played them with their power as specs, sounded great,
Know the limit of the speakers, and how hard to push them. Have 3 systems, main, 2nd and my 3rd which is BIC v-630’s with yammy 80 W receiver , hooked to my SL-1200MK2 to record to computer, with a few cartridges, Arkiv, and nightclub II TO RECORD LPS TO HARD DRIVE
USE audiolab 2.0.
Then record to cd to play.
I love the snaps and pops of the recordings!j