Any real difference in RCA cables quality for sub?

Right now I am using an inexpensive RCA cable I had lying around for the sub connection to the AVR. Is there any real benefit to using a more higher quality (ie more expensive)? 
Put it this way. I am really thorough and do an amazing number of things in the name of sound quality. The quality of the interconnect used for my subs is so critically important it is by far the cheapest and worst in my whole system. That's how much difference it makes.
@millercarbon Good to hear... this has always made sense to me... but so frequently the differences I hear do not make sense. For instance, I just switched the power cord on my Aurender W20SE from a Shunyatta Venom 14 D to a Cardas Clear Beyond and it produced a noticable improvement in bass and detail... the Aurender audio circuits run on battery power to avoid line current... it just plain shouldn’t matter. So for fun, I switched to a WireWorld Silver Electra 7... harsh... You just have to listen.
If the power cord affects it like that this tells me the Aurender is using batteries to avoid building a more expensive power supply. But if the batteries are connected to AC then all the AC line noise can ride across the batteries same as it rides across even a very expensive power supply. Think about it. If power supplies worked perfectly power cords would not work at all.

Well, it would not be the first time something in high end audio defied my intuition. i remember my first digital interconnect... 1989?... it couldn’t possibly effect the sound, but the largest difference I ever heard. I long ago gave up, and just try it. How about this... the shielding is actually protecting nearby digital interconnects that are actually downstream from the streamer from the power cords magnetic field? Or... who knows what else. It is not day and night, but is noticable.