Tube Flavor

Whats the best way to get a true taste of different tubes?  Should I change all preamp and power tubes with the same manufacturer?  For instance, I think the best way to truly understand a certain cable companies flavor is to have an entire spool of the same cables, ie all Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8’s...

I feel like cables, tubes, even equipment each has its own flavor or house sound.  
So, now that Im going to swap some power tubes should I get a matching set of pre amp tubes too?  I feel like if I have 3 or 4 complete sets, i can get a feel for each and THEN start mixing and matching accordingly,

Anyways, this tube stuff is fun and it sounds so dang good to these ears that I wont go back if I can help it.
@hilde45 great post.  It would be great if b_limo could chime back in with more details.
Tubes vary per unit.

Start by numbering or otherwise identifying each tube and 'roll' a pair at a time. For a small power amp w 2 different input and 2 power valves per channel there are 96 permutation. [2 x 2 x 24] With 2 same input tubes and 2 power tubes per channel, there are 576 permutations. [24 x 24]

Add in power line, humidity, temperature and CBLF vagaries...

IMO, rolling is an utter waste of time. One combination may favor one particular program to the detriment of another. 
@jerryg123 The recipe for becoming a "lonely old man" it to be mean and impolite as a younger one. There's a difference between disagreeing with someone or pointing out their mistakes and demeaning them or calling them names. Yes, I have "sensibilities." They are ones that my parents raised me with -- be kind, be polite, listen carefully, and keep an open mind. It's not rocket science, but some still find it very hard to do. Look inward. Figure out why you're so mean. Heal yourself. Otherwise, have fun now, because a lonely life lies ahead for you. We're done.
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