SOTA NOVA, HR-X VPI, Technics 1200G recommendations?

I am considering SOTA NOVA, used HR-X VPI and Technics 1200G TTs. I have an old SOTA STAR with vacuum, (and essentially a Jelco 750 arm-retipped Denon 103R) so I know its high quality and durability. Technics apparently has performance that far exceeds its $4000 price tag. For tonearms, I am down to Jelco 850M and old FR-64S. I am considering low compliance cartridges. For VPI, it would be JMW 12 or 3D. Changing the tonearms seems to be more of a hassle on VPI. What are your thoughts and recommendations?
I have a perfect original Micro Seiki CU-180, actually two of them at the moment. The price only goes up every year. It’s very hard to find CU-180 without scratches. Not interested in replicas, I like vintage original gear in mint condition. It makes me happy :)) 

Thanks for the TVT recommendation. I just sent him an email. Which SOTA do you have? How does it compare with the old Technics?

I answered that for you in some detail one pg 1 of this thread,
05-23-2021 11:03am.
The Sota is here:

I have mentioned this before: I had a pure copper made for me by a machinist, for my L07D.  It weighs about 6 lbs, which is not a stretch from the stock stainless steel mat that comes with the L07D and weighs about 5.5 lbs.  With a copper mat on an SP10 Mk2, I cannot rule out that at least some of the perceived benefit may derive from the enhanced shielding effect of copper.  Just a hunch; no data except listening to my long gone Mk2.
May be another benefit of the copper disc is that it may discharge some electrostatic charge build up?