An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers

!They keep take down my post. I want this freedom that agronads speak to.
Phil, I've never heard any Tekton speaker or a Klipsch Forte, but both are on my short list for a rec room system for music and movies (2 ch only, not HT).  So this is all interesting.

Now lots of discussion here about placement and room setup.  Did Tekton furnish recommendations when you received them?  If not, have you ask for that?  Similarly did the Fortes come with setup recommendations?  From what little I know about either model I would guess their requirements could be quite different.

After all, setup can vary widely among different models.  Break-in requirements too.
The only right we have is that the government will not limit religion or free speech. Audiogon, like most forums, is owned by a private entity and they can moderate it as they see fit. You or I won’t always agree with their process,  but it’s not up to us. I assure you the moderation here isn’t as heavy handed as some forums. Audio Circle comes to mind.

I think people are too thin skinned and are easily offended. There is nothing a stranger in an internet forum can say to me that will affect my day in the slightest. So people who can’t handle a little back and forth probably shouldn’t internet.

I too hate the cancel culture of the left. But that’s different than what’s going on here. At least that’s my opinion.

This, “I am a sax player so I know better than the rest what audio gear should sound like” is utter bs.  
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