SS Budget "Tone" Integrated Amplifiers

In your experience, what are some good, inexpensive solid state integrated amps that give good tone / density? Is there such a thing? I'm done with tubes (for now) and spending $$$ chasing unicorns instead of listening to music. But I like instruments to sound like they should and not have poor recordings (which IMO are most) ruthlessly revealed. I can think of Sugden but it's all but Covid unobtainium right now. What else?
Belles Aria first..... If you can find an old Audio Refinement, its a bit darket than the Belles, but sounds great and inexpensive. 
Marantz PM8006 is a great integrated amp---Marantz tends to be on the warm side if that's what you're looking for. 
I would go with a good vintage integrated amp from accuphase or tandberg they are two integrateds that would give you a good musical sound.
   There are lots of amps new and used to chose from. I can't overstate what I've posted before....The amp and speakers must have synergy. Great amps and some great speakers may sound great or lousy together. I have experienced that more than once. didn't mention which speakers you would be using with the amp.
   I once used a NAD integrated with  top of the line Klipsch speakers. Not impressed. But, that same amp with PSB speakers was a whole new world. Pairing the two is the whole game.