Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?

Only reason I ask is because it will be pushing Salk Veracity Ht2-TL’s...  Im coming off a Belles Aria, which was fantastic, but wanted to try something different.  My concern is the low wattage of the Raven and low sensitivity of the salks, but my Belles 75 watts sounded better than 3 other nice 225 watt integrateds.  
So, anyone with experience with the Raven Blackhawk LE pushing somewhat low sensitivity speakers chime in and let me know.  

Sorry about the word "proselytizing." That word implies that a certain way of doing things is the only best way.

Apology accepted. Especially since I get it now. Lots of people use words they don’t understand, thinking they mean one thing when really they mean another. Proselytizing is nothing to do with being the best, it is trying to convert one to a way of thinking, to which I plead guilty. But with religious connotations that implies belief, to which I emphatically say no way. My reasons are logical, and sensible, and that is that.

So, would you agree that high efficiency speakers are only one "best" way to go?
Or would you agree that moderate efficiency speakers can also be "best"?

Again, this is about an approach, not any particular set of speakers. Said many times what I think about certain speakers. But it helps to not confuse the issues. The big long sections you quoted should be required reading, but there is nothing in any of it saying anything at all about how they sound, let alone what is "best".

The issue I am addressing is nothing to do with any one particular speaker- or amp, for that matter. Instead of specifics I am talking about an overall or over-arching approach. Never said you or anyone cannot build a beautiful satisfying and excellent sounding system with 87dB or whatever speakers. Simply said you are making it unnecessarily hard on yourself to take that approach.

This is the furthest thing from controversial. Sure it ruffles some feathers when people see themselves in my comments. Too bad. Follow the proselytization, come around, live the good life. It is so much easier you won’t believe.
Yes it’s easier with high efficiency speakers because your choices will be limited.   Not necessarily better but a different way to roll. 
The facts speak for themselves.  High efficiency speakers are a niche for a reason. That is because to be efficient and full range they have to be large and often expensive,  things most do not want these days.  Also Tekton is not really high efficiency though more efficient than many. Klipsch heritage line designed a long time ago when only tube amps were available are.   There are others but again very large and very expensive.  
So really the “high efficiency” solution being pitched is not even high efficiency compared to others that are like the Avantgardes of the world. More like somewhat higher efficiency.  Which is fine if that fits the bill.  Add a sub and crossover like with many  and no problem. 

Never said you or anyone cannot build a beautiful satisfying and excellent sounding system with 87dB or whatever speakers. Simply said you are making it unnecessarily hard on yourself to take that approach.
It's only "unnecessarily hard" if there's no real benefit to doing it another way. Got it.
I power washed my deck, waited a few days for it to dry sufficiently, and today I applied a coat of beautiful semi-transparent, natural cedar, oil-based stain. Approximately 36 hours from now I’m going to do some serious victory laps of my own. Meanwhile, my 86db Sonus Faber stand mounts are sounding wonderful powered by a surprisingly robust Chinese SET integrated. I had the windows open and was rocking an average of 88db’s according to my Radio Shack meter. Sure helped make the deck work a lot more pleasant.