Which Phono Pre?

Current system:
Dr. Feickert Blackbird TT
Kuzma 4-Point tonearm
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge

Phono pre’s under consideration:
Pass Labs XP-27
Modwright PH-150
Luxman EQ 500
Wheat Audio PS.40RDT

What do you think would be the best match? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
Why did you NOT include Herron VTPH-2A?  Aren't you looking for top performance?
Thanks all for your thoughts.  Very much appreciated.  I don't have any dealers nearby, but will definitely be making the rounds once the shows start up again soon.
If you've got a low impedance cartridge like the Koetsu RSP, I'd opt for the LCR type phonostage like the Allnic 7000 HV.  I'm currently using an ARC Ref 2SE phonostage and although perfectly happy with the performance, my next phonostage will be the LCR type. More discussion here:  LCR phono stages we know about | Audiogon Discussion Forum