Frustrated with the sound of my system

Here is my system:
Rotel RCD-965BX CD Player as transport
MSB Link 2 DAC
Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature preamp
Classe 10 amplifier
North Creek Audio Borealis speakers (Custom built kit speaker...something close to a Proac Response 2.5 design)
M&K V-75 sub
Kimber and Cardas interconnects
Kimber 4TC/8TC bi-wire speaker cables.

Here is my frustration:
The sound, regardless of music, sounds stringent, hard, really lacks air, and is anything but relaxed. It is fatigueing. I can listen to my Grado 60 headphones on an iPod and the sound is frustratingly more relaxed and has what I would call air.

I don't think that my system is that outstanding, but it really seems like I should be more pleased with what I am hearing.

I would be interested in your thoughts on where the most likely opportunity is. I really like the individual components of the system (OK the Rotel/MSB set up is old and just OK), but all together they seem to be underwhelming. I am thinking it is either in improving the digital front end (new player or DAC) or moving to a planar speaker to get the sound I desire. I have thought about new player like an OPPO 93 or 95, perhaps a tube based player or DAC, or else looking at something like a used pair of Maggie 12's or 1.6's. I have always enjoyed the Maggie sound.

In either case I am thinking that $2k is the absolute max I would want to spend on any solution. Thanks in advance. If there are other questions I would be glad to supply details.
Room placement costs nothing and could be all that the problem is. Buying new gear may or may not solve the problem and would be $$$ down the drain if that is the case.

I know I can make my system sound very detailed and bright but rather clinical and cold... or I can make it sound warm and organic and natural, depending where in the room I place the speakers and listening position. It's such a difference that you wouldn't believe they were the same speakers.

Once you learn to measure the room's response, these differences begin to make sense and you can see what is going on and why.

The best gear in the world would still sound bad if poorly integrated into a room. Learning to get the best sound possible out of the gear you already have will reveal if you do indeed still need new gear... and when you do get new gear... that you will get the best out of it.
As Mike60 tried to say what I did, you people need to re-read the OPs equipment. I as well as others have attested to owning some items in his list and all of us have identified problems with somewhere on that list. Those screaming to treat the room are doing so apparently without understanding the gear. Much of that gear is very old and when it was new, at least I never got the best sound from it, despite my room. I had always been able to hear discernable changes, all for the better, when upgrading and leaving the room completely ALONE.

I again will recommend an amp and cable change as I mentioned above. The Forte from Mike60 is a Nelson Pass design and in the same veign as my recommendation for an older Aleph3 or 30.

Again, as others have said, rooms can make a difference but in my experience have always served as tweaks to refine the sound, not totally change the sound. I too have bass busters and corner busters now sitting in my closet as I found no change in the sound. I actually wonder if the OP is getting any benefit from these posts or if this is more a room vs. gear debate?

If anyone wants to buy my bass busters or corner busters send me a note. There appears to be enough room fanatics on this thread someone must need them.
01-24-12: Turboglo
I'm not sure I understand the contentious debate between those focussing on placement/treatment issues and those focussing on equipment issues. It seems pretty obvious that neither good equipment set-up poorly, nor bad equipment set-up optimally, is going to shine.

This sounds strangely like our government! Throw in some tube vs. ss and some cable arguments, and we might have enough to run some Audiogon elections :^)
Having had the MSB Link III, Kimber 8TC, and Kimber Silver Streak, these components can definitely sound strident and hard. I highly recommend a tube DAC -- MHDT Paradisea is a GREAT choice for offering warm, natural, relaxed sound at < $400 used. MHDT Havana is even better, about $700 used.
If you want to use up more of that $2k budget the Calyx 24/192 DAC is amazing value at $1500 new. Trust me, going from an MSB Link to one of these DACs will make a huge difference.

PNF or MAC are good budget choices for cables that exhibit these qualities as well. Audience AU24 (e) even better at a higher price point. Cardas Cross I didn't care for. JPS may be a little vivid for your system as well, depending on how polite you like your sound.

Your amplification should not be factors in that type of fatiguing sound. Speakers I am not familiar with.
Take all the equipment out of your listening room and bring it all to another room that has proper dimensions and allows for symmetrical placement. Otherwise you are just wasting your time and money. Don't spend a dime until you do this.