New tube preamp


I'm thinking of replacing my PS Audio BHK Signature preamp and was wondering if anyone has listened to the Supratek Cabernet 6SN7 and or the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl preamps or the LTA MZ3, from what I've read the preamp in both of the LTA's are identical. Both are very reasonably priced (under $5000.00) and both are tube designs. For the money they are both supposed to be giant killers. Thank you.

I’m currently running my xa30.8 with a Backert Rhumba 1.3 pre into Vandersteen Treo CT speakers.  Very happy with the results! 
As I mentioned above, I was going to do some comparisons between an Audio Research LS28SE and a BHK Signature preamp.  I did.  Downstream of the preamp the system was BHK Signature 300 monoblocks and Magneplanar 3.7i's.  Balanced connections were used between the amps and preamps.  On a variety of music (pop, jazz, classical) I preferred the LS28SE to the BHK with either the stock Psvane 12AU7-S tubes or vintage Tung-sol 12AU7's.  In this comparison the LS28SE seemed to offer more detail and, while the width and height of the image was similar, the illusion of depth was greater with LS28SE.  The change to a pair of Tungsram 7DJ8's (switching the jumpers from 12V/4mA to 6V/5mA) altered the sound of the BHK considerably.  I still slightly preferred the ARC in that system (not surprising I guess since it costs considerably more), but the tube change in the BHK made the difference in apparent detail and depth much less.  YMMV of course.
Be sure to listen in your home system and don’t  get sold on the hype.

Or the hype here in this forum. 
Audition, audition, audition.