Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
interesting...witch ss integrated would you reccomend Ryder for c1...do you have a favorite...im for mostly neutral sound..maybe a bit warmish side...i dont like too colored sound...for all types of music...Jkuc im interested in the tube sound and i will get them one day...i think c1 with tubes sounds exelent...but i like to push up sometimes and i dont know much bout tubes so i will try to stick to A/B ss integrated with dyns for the beggining...
Sorry Raindog031, I do not have direct experience with the C1 although I have listened to it in a system several years ago. Perhaps existing C1 owners could advise, and I presume some may have tried several amps with the speakers before deciding on the ideal one. I think several comments on the Dynaudios earlier have been spot on. They do need quite a bit of power to come alive with their relatively low 4 ohms impedance. Quality watts from high current amplifiers or powerful tube amps would be ideal.
"powerful tube amps" that would be ideal but $$$$$...Xti16 im interested in DDC dynaudio directivity control...have you noticed some big difference between old and new model...its been said that this tehnology reduce the energy dispersed to the floor and ceiling by 75%...and how this affect on a sweet spot...
The DDC is only on speakers with multiple tweeters (C2 C4 and Evidence). Anyhow it is supposed to drastically cut down on the reflection from the ceiling. It's also supposed to sound much better. That being said I was lucky enough to have an 8 day in-home demo with the original C2's and they were too much for my room so I can't really can't comment on that.
c1 sigs are smaler so maybe they dont need ddc...and your room size where the sigs are based is...when i move i will have 4.60x5.80m room...its small to mid space where i mean to keep speakers so your opinion bout dyns would be useful to me...