Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers

I found this really good link regarding the differences:

I've heard some (who are much more knowledgeable than me) say that a tube amp and solid state amp which are rated at the same output power in practice will not drive a speaker to the same level, that in selecting amplifier power levels, you would get similar results from lower powered tube amps.

I thought it would be interesting to see what those who know much more about this subject would contribute to this discussion.
Tubes and ss amps both have their pluses and minuses. IME, tube amps tend to give one a better ’gestalt’ of the music, while ss amps tend to be a little more controlled and in some ways ’predictable’ as to their presentation. Where i do think ss amps may be a little better, is in their reliability, mainly due to the tube aging cycle. However, I personally prefer a great tube amp for all it can do SQ wise over most ss amps. The best is to own both designs...that way there is no wrong. Just different flavors, IMO.
My tube amps sound better to me than my SS amps. The vast majority of the best systems I’ve heard were driven by tubes. Tubes bring me closer to the performance. I hear more. The sound stage sucks me in. I tended to stick with my SS amps for a year or two before moving on because I was looking for more, and it seemed I was always playing them louder to get a sensation. I stuck with the tubes for 32 years, and don’t plan to change, and can play them at any volume and get that thrill. If you don’t listen past just the tonal balance, you might not notice the benefits of tubes. There are pros and cons with each....tubes tend be expensive, inefficient, and require more attention, but their reward is well worth it to me.  
I like solid state class A combined with a tubed phono me this gives me the best of both worlds.