Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
paul i have readed your review some time ago...good review...im interested you said that my room could be big for c1....im not so shure...4.6x5.8m so when i put speakers bout 3 feet behind wall i assume it will be good my listening position will be 3m away...it could be problems with bass but im not pesimist...i think that this room could be ideal for c1...smaller room could make problems with bass...atleast thats my experience...i will try my b&w monitors first there so i will see how room reacts and how they fill the room...they are 50w weaker then dyns...and paul you may not noticed that but xti diddnt discharge less powerful amps...he also has octave integrated and driving dyns with no problem...i think 70w class a...what you probbably wanted to say is to buy quality power...regardles of amp watts...cheers
Also, IMO the mk2 version does not improves significantly upon the mk1 model '(if at all)'. Certainly not to justify the large price difference between the two models, i.e. almost a factor of two
You are comparing new to pre-owned/discontinued prices. I was commenting based on the differences in sound. Otherwise for the money the original is a great value. The C1 speaker is not for everyone. As far as heavy metal I would recommend something like S25's instead (Sapphires or Consequence UE if price were no object). But for classical rock Jazz New age rock etc I think the C1's do a great job. I rarely play my music loud and that is one of the advantages of the MKII over the MKI besides being a 'little' less nasally sounding. Both speakers are world class.
While the C1 have a very seductive midrange they are not very transparent (this is still the case also with the mk2 models).
I strongly disagree with that statement. In my opinion they are the most transparent speaker I've ever heard. They just disappear.

In my opinion someone looking to set up a system should find the speakers they prefer the most first. I bought the Bryston before my speakers and although I was quite happy there was always something missing (control). I came real close to getting the Naim Supernait but then I considered tubes and then after an in home demo with the Octave I pounced on it.
paul im sorry for mistake but i misread what you said to me bout discharging less powerful amps and the xtis advice heh...sorry once again...

Hi guys, sorry for the late reply.

Raindog031, a room like yours, i.e. of almost 27 square meters, will be adequately pressurized by speakers that are much larger than the C1s, e.g. Wilson Sophia, B&W 802D, Avantgarde Uno and DUO (u get the idea). All these speakers produce much more bass than the C1, so if you are unlike and your room is bass-hungry the C1s might get lost in it. Like you, I do not think that the C1s will totally get lost into your room. Probably even in the worths case a subwoofer, placed in the right place, will be able to solve this problem. (I have mentioned this just as a fictional scenario why you might not like the C1 and would want to re-sell them.)

Xti16, just because you did not heard other speaker that were more transparent than the C1 mk2 it does not mean that there aren't any. For example, all Focal Utopia monitor models (the Diablos probably have twice as much detail than the C1 mk2), B&W 805S/D, Wilson Duettes (and the list can go on and on..). I am not saying that when listening the previously mentioned speakers you hear details that you can not hear via the C1 mk1 or mk2 speakers, just that via the C1s those little things are lest obvious - one needs to pay much more attention to the music in order to become fully aware of those details. I have listen all models (mk1 and mk2) in the Confidence line often quite at lengths and they all have this characteristic. The strengths of all these Dyns is in the very natural and seductive midrange and powerful bass. Also, I would say that you are a bit biased here as it seems to me that you went directly from the C1 mk1 to the mk2 without much search (I apologize in advance if I am wrong.)

Regarding prices, I do not see the point you try to make - prices and or price differences are relevant in the present discussion. In the Netherlands quite a few dealers have both C1 models in stock and they will give a very generous discount for the mk1 plus full warranty but no discount for the mk2 models. (e.g. I have paid 4k euros for the C1 mk1 models I had in my room including the Dynaudio stand 4 stands and the speakers were basically new, i.e. no scratches and had full warranty. On the other hand a pair of C mk2s with stands cost 7K euros. A pre-own pair of C1 should cost here around 3k.)

Best wishes,
Xti16, just because you did not heard other speaker that were more transparent than the C1 mk2 it does not mean that there aren't any. For example, all Focal Utopia monitor models (the Diablos probably have twice as much detail than the C1 mk2), B&W 805S/D, Wilson Duettes (and the list can go on and on..). I am not saying that when listening the previously mentioned speakers you hear details that you can not hear via the C1 mk1 or mk2 speakers, just that via the C1s those little things are lest obvious - one needs to pay much more attention to the music in order to become fully aware of those details. I have listen all models (mk1 and mk2) in the Confidence line often quite at lengths and they all have this characteristic. The strengths of all these Dyns is in the very natural and seductive midrange and powerful bass. Also, I would say that you are a bit biased here as it seems to me that you went directly from the C1 mk1 to the mk2 without much search (I apologize in advance if I am wrong.)
Guilty as charged. I'll admit I heard the B&W 805s and SF Creamora Auditor M ONLY before deciding on the C1 MK I. For me it was one of those things once I heard the C1 MK I I knew my speaker search was over. I have to have the right mid range and top end sparkle which the Dyn's do great. I'll also admit I bought the Signatures before hearing them (gasp). Glad I did and would do again now knowing how they sound.

Remember this thread started by asking a question regarding the sound of the C1 Signature. As far as price I agree the MK I is a fantastic bargain. Everyone has their own taste. For me I love the C1 and the Special 25's - well I didn't care for (not as natural sounding kind of like the B&W's but very different). Also for my taste I prefer musical and not overly detailed. There are others who want every last bit of detail and to ME I find myself listening, no analyzing everything but the music (equipment - vocals - instruments and not hearing the music as a whole).