How eclectic is your taste in music?

Most, if not all, of my best friends in life have embraced different forms/styles/types of music.  

The music ranged from Jazz to Classical to some Rock and others...even some more classic, early country. 

Do you enjoy various music styles or are you more focused on a type or two?....And how/where does the 
music of this season fit in?  I find Nat Cole doing Mel Torme's  "The Christmas Song" comes very close to nearly everything I love about music. 

And I have gotten over people thinking the title to that song is "Chestnuts Roasting"....I no longer have the urge to burn down their tree...mostly. 


Perception, as I see it, has little to do with assigning "value".
Perception is simply utilizing awareness-- noticing what is present. 

On the other hand, "Taste", as I see it, is a spontaneous internal physiological/emotional response to what is perceived.

For example, two people could both perceive the same constituent aspects of a complex wine yet differ in terms of whether it appealed to them or not. In other words, they are noticing the same sensory aspects but are affected differently by them. 

I'd like to better understand what you mean, when you say:

"The musical evolution reflect only the general evolution of an individual, because music is not about "taste" so much , it is about the levels of perception....

There is not so much "taste" in music really, only level of perceptions with some preference ..."

Care to elucidate further??????

For example, two people could both perceive the same constituent aspects of a complex wine yet differ in terms of whether it appealed to them or not. In other words, they are noticing the same sensory aspects but are affected differently by them.

I’d like to better understand what you mean, when you say:

"The musical evolution reflect only the general evolution of an individual, because music is not about "taste" so much , it is about the levels of perception....
Music is not REDUCIBLE to wine tasting and preferences...

Music is mirror of mind and consciousness... Wine tasting chemistry reflect and mirror ONLY the body physiology and individual history...

Music is NOT sound but THROUGH sound...

Some music are like mathematics, it ask for some new mind level operation...

Some music are like spiritual experience it ask for a new connection of body and sound and a new connection between heart and meaning....

Tastes are important and habits too.... But making ourself open toward the higher level of meaning and perception is the way to transform ourself, and no more ONLY pleasure ourself...

It is a bit like sex and love. sex is great, but sex habits are nothing compared to love....

Music is not pleasurable sound no more than love is only sex....

But i like pleasurable sound and i have my taste...

I only observe that in ly life at some point i discovered new way to connect to sound and new way to perceive music...

Then yo ask you in a word: taste exist on ONE level, perception exist on MANY levels....

Educating ourself CHANGE our perception level, and enlarge our original taste to new one...

I wish you the best and thank you for your interest....

Thank you for your response.

When you say:

 "taste exist on ONE level, perception exist on MANY levels...:

do you mean that Consciousness exists at many levels and what we call "taste" (ego-centered "likes and dislikes") exists at one level ?  

When you say:

"I only observe that in ly life at some point i discovered new way to connect to sound and new way to perceive music..",

do you mean that you are regarding music from the perspective of Consciousness (the aspect of you that is not limited by the ego's preferences? )...

...or am I completely misunderstanding you ?

do you mean that Consciousness exists at many levels and what we call "taste" (ego-centered "likes and dislikes") exists at one level ?
Yes we dont know generally, because we are not enough sensitive, what we really love....It takes a life history for our mind to mature and know ourself...

"Taste" are like crocodile habit to eat, they come with our body physiology and habits history...We cannot only live with our natural taste and habits...
Our consciousness exist at least on 2 levels...

do you mean that you are regarding music from the perspective of Consciousness (the aspect of you that is not limited by the ego’s preferences? )...
But you must remember that all musical forms exist already in an history, which reflected an history of consciousness itself...

Then exploring Australian aborigenal music or Scriabin is exploring our own consciousness levels...

It is impossible to constraint ourself to "like" some new music...But we can permeate ourself with history, cultures, meanings and opening our own mind to new levels of listening and new level of consciousness...

Gong music, or Kurt Weill , or Bach, or sufi music etc all is part of the human soul....

We can use music for our pleasure but also to explore ourself....

Music is so powerful and save for the last 30 years was vastly underestimated in his power to transform soul/heart/body....Except by genius like Bach, Beethoven, Scriabin among others that use it to really transform human consciousness...After shamans, Hildegard of Bingen, buddhist monks, sufis, and many others

Regards and best wishes....

Thanks for your post, everything is well described. I agree with you that the music ranged from jazz to classical. I've always been into music.