Here’s some explanation: "There’s already enough controversy over power cable quality vs. sound quality and now this question has Paul explaining not only why power cables can make a difference but their actual construction and discovery."
PS Audio (153K subscribers)
The challenge of understanding the mechanics of power cables and audio is nothing compared to understanding the psychology of denial. For those on the fence between learning a little bit and trying a power cable for yourself vs. going down the feral path of conspiracy theories, why not just be honest and admit that you just don’t want to spend the money and move on? If you try it and hear nothing, you get your money back. The danger is that you'll hear something and be out a few hundred bucks. If you don't want to spend that, then it's just much simpler to live with an economic argument based on frugality than on the notion that there's a conspiracy to defraud people of their money. Real frauds don't have return policies.
PS Audio (153K subscribers)
The challenge of understanding the mechanics of power cables and audio is nothing compared to understanding the psychology of denial. For those on the fence between learning a little bit and trying a power cable for yourself vs. going down the feral path of conspiracy theories, why not just be honest and admit that you just don’t want to spend the money and move on? If you try it and hear nothing, you get your money back. The danger is that you'll hear something and be out a few hundred bucks. If you don't want to spend that, then it's just much simpler to live with an economic argument based on frugality than on the notion that there's a conspiracy to defraud people of their money. Real frauds don't have return policies.