Sudden development of more pops than usual. VPI TNT turntable.

Just last night, I suddenly had the onset of frequent pops on any record that I play. They are so extreme that sometimes they lead to my amp shutting down. I recently shortened the belts on my VPI TNT IV (not using the tri-pulley system), and I have noticed increased static electricity when I take records off the turntable. So, I think it could have something to do with that. I therefore grounded the motor, but it still happens. I was thinking next to try grounding the platter spindle. The tonearm is already grounded (all turntable-related grounds to the preamp). I have not heard any pops with the cartridge either free-floating or resting on the record. I am trying a CD player now and have not heard any pops so far. So, I'm thinking it's either the static electricity, cartridge, or something with the internal phono stage (bad capacitor or something). Any thoughts?

My system is: Transfiguration Phoenix, Wheaton Triplanar IV, VPI TNT IV, SDS, Spectral DMA 20 w/ internal phono stage, DMC 180, Rockport Aviors, and Spectral/MIT cables.
If I remember my VPI had a static problem until I grounded the spindle ‘ platter.
All good suggestions.  I use an Audioquest anti-static brush on each disk.  Seems to work for me.