Why are equipment racks so expensive?

I periodically look through the racks in the sales section and I cannot get over just how darn pricey those things are.  I don't get it.  

I mean I see racks that cost 1, 2 or even 3K.  Really?

I've currently got two Ikea end tables stacked (not the Lack but some other ones) and they work rather well but sometimes I look just to see what's available.  I see the prices.  Then I'm back to being happy with what I've got.

So...why the prices?
Are the $1/2M Wilson speakers worth it? I think so. They do things no other speakers do. Truly incredible… as they should be. Why, do you have some experience owning some and feel like you got taken?

If you are interested in spiked designs (spikes for each shelf level) that are inexpensive research Atacama and VTI.

I lucked out with a Studio Tech rack that's long been out of production.

It has upturned/adjustable brass spikes for each shelf (great for leveling the TT/CD deck).

It's original form was a bolt together frame that I mig welded into a one piece frame.


IKEA vs custom audio racks.

Fool and their money are soon parted.

Tons of great quality furniture out there to use as a stand or table that is 1/4 the price of the crap sold at high end audio stores and even here.

Th OP has a point.

But hey it’s your money. Me I will spend my money on music, hardware and golf lessons (now that’s a waste).
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