Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?

The only thing i can input from personal experience is No SET has come as close to the Speed, Dynamics of an OTL.

Owning both i like both SET and OTL and sort of kinda prefer the OTL on every genre of music. Hip Hop, RnB, Dance, Trance, Drum And Bass, Techno, Rock, Movie Scores, Demanding Classical Acoustical or Opera Music I still feel OTL Wins hands down to faithfully reproduce this sort of music.

Whilst it sounds very good on SET amps with more Lush, you can still easily tell the tempo is not exactly the same. Details are lost, slight muddiness to the music playback, this feels like a veil on the speaker, small soundstage than my OTL amps, Slower in pace, the bass is not as articulate or lower in registers. All this is only evident when you do a direct comparison to an OTL.

SET Can sound glorious and Lush/Sweet. it does so with more compromise to details, Resolution. Bass depth and speed. 

Live music is not Warm or Lush or Sweet, since in a Venue or opera house or in a Jazz Club, Its not ever Sounding Lush, Sweet or slow. These are all artificial sweetness added by different SET Circuits.

The biggest problem i find with OTL is that their real magic only takes place when a 16ohms speaker is used. Whilst 8 ohms its still far better them most SET, the real magick only happens on 16ohms or higher.
I own both SET and OTL, but most of the time i kinda just use the OTL Amps more often than SET Amps.
I have used a Graaf Gm20 for about 10 years before upgrading to a Wavac Ec300b some 10 years ago. In short, there is no going back: while the Graaf had twice the stated output power, making that power useful was challenging: using autoformers to ideally match speaker impedance as well as pretty regular rebiasing, neither of which is required by the Wavac. If anything, the Wavac is faster than the Graaf despite its transformers and the bass is substantially more solid. Botj amps are classics in their line of design
I have never encountered a SET amp that even came close to an OTL when using an OTL friendly speaker. The difference is startling. I find this true of P.P. designs as well. 

It is interesting how people hear audio products and how it formulates opinion and decision making. Some OTLs may sound faster than some SET amplifiers. Some do not. Your experience with the Graaf and Wavac is similar to mine.Ive heard SET with as much "speed" clarity and transparency as fine quality OTLs. Some may experience "sweetened" or "lush" coloration with certain SETs but they all are not the same.

I would caution against painting with the proverbial broad brush. My SET is organic and full of tone/body, very natural and has an  emotionally engaging presentation. There is no sacrificing of nuance or natural detail. There are many variables that determine what works best for a given listener and their respective audio system. Many roads do in fact lead to Rome.