Tube vendors.

Hello all taking a break from the kitchen rehab salesmen....
Quick question on Tube suppliers other than The Tube Store and Upscale Audio.
Who are you all getting tubes from and what do you like about them.
The only reason not to call Andy at vintage tube services would be if you can't wait 2-3 weeks for your tubes.
I have a story about a local company- ****Tube Supply.
They will allow you to buy same day-when open- but they do have a limited pickup window 4-5pm as I recall. I made a couple purchases there then went back for another purchase. The clerk tells me my last invoice is not marked as paid and would I please pay him the $100 he showed as outstanding.

This place is heavily secured. Small glass window you deal thru. Small room. If you need the toilet an escort is provided.  

So I said "Wow that seems hard to believe". I had no recollection
of walking out with something unpaid for. But I often tender cash
rather than a card for reasons some of you will follow.

So I asked if the likely cash payment possibly went into
some employees pocket?  Then I heard about how long everyone
had worked there  and even the camera which monitored their
work area. 

I suggested that if he reviewed that day's video log and could prove
that in fact I had not paid I would then pay it. 

Never heard from them. Keeps me wondering if they are now

Sold the Tube gear and moved on to Solid State Pass gear
not because of this incident but maybe was a sub conscience

The only reason not to call Andy at vintage tube services would be if you can't wait 2-3 weeks for your tubes.

I can wait 2-3 weeks for someone who is so far beyond all the others mentioned on this thread. For someone with far better equipment, testing, and knowledge -- absolutely. 
the best tube supplier is andy's tubes he is on the internet you should check him out.
Vote for Viva tubes. All new tube set for my MAC 240. Very pleased, quick shipping as well.