HiFi Furniture

This seems to be one area people like me ( if they exist) don’t seems to want to spend much money.

Most importantly the traditional furniture manufacturer s have stopped building anything that looks like a decent 3/4  shed wooden stand.

All we find nowadays is a long tv cabinet to accommodate the tv and the soundbar.
Anything else is usually having glass shelves.

I refuse to pay the exorbitant amounts to the audiophile furniture manufacturers just for the anti vibration characteristics.
I just need something to hold the power amp, pre amp and the phonostage.
Something that looks decent aesthetically a d does the job while not been an arm and a leg in price.
OP, I sympathize. I was looking into furniture last year when it hit me that I really wasn't sure where my gear would be most optimally set up. More than a couple people emphasized that it's a good idea to keep gear outside your soundstage -- so all those racks between the speakers? No good. Ok, well then where should the gear go? And how does that change the length of the cables involved? Hmmm. I had already invested in some nice cables and wasn't going to get rid of them so I could buy some furniture.

My solution, so far, has been to set my gear very low to the ground, between the speakers, so that the soundstage is largely open above, say 1.5 feet high. This allows all cables to reach gear and speakers.

If I had planned things out differently,  I would likely try to have the gear off, to one side, with my mono blocks behind each speaker and a long interconnect between the preamp and the amp. But I don't want to spend on a long, good IC right now.
@lalitk Thanks for the link. It will last for a lifetime or until the upgrade/change bug bites and one's new gear no longer fits the rack. D'oh!

Nothing is forever in this hobby. That’s why you invest in a rack solution that offers flexibility. I am using the same racks and platforms for over 10 plus years in my room despite of numerous changes with components. My racks are from Core Audio Designs and as situation demands, I can put together 2, 3, 4, 5 levels of rack in less than 30 minutes.

They are not cheap, but well worth it. I never have to think twice buying a gear thinking …oh shit I can’t fit this gear in my existing rack :-) 
@lalitk thanks -- I didn't fully appreciate that flex options are out there.