Ten year old digital source upgrade suggestions?

I use a Samsung SE 506 Blu-ray Disc drive to rip CD's via a generic USB cable to a 2011 Mac Mini which is wirelessly recognized by a Logitech Squeezebox Touch connected by an Analysis Plus Digital Optical cable to a Metrum Acoustics NOS DAC.
A ModWright power supply and tube stage modded Denon 3800 player is also connected to the NOS DAC with Cardas Golden Reference RCA.

I'm guessing the thrifty Samsung spinner and its included cable may have been a choke point?
We're very used to the Squeezebox, but?
Aside from power outages the Metrum has been on the whole time.
Is it just me or does the CD player sound a bit different than the ripped music?

For the sake of the everything matters context I consider the difference between an inexpensive moving magnet  phono cartridge and a multi $K moving coil cartridge or a change of speakers to be a substantial sonic change worthy of cost. At the same time I can easily hear cable changes with my system. 

I'd say I'm looking for the weakest link first and so on. 


Is there a different method, component, or combination for a digital source that would provide noticeably better fidelity and or ease of use?

Was the Samsung a poor choice for ripping? If so any suggestions for replacement?

Are the Squeezebox Touch and the Metrum Acoustics DAC seriously out dated? Any suggestions for replacement?

I don’t know anything about the Samsung.  How do the rips sound to you?  Are there errors?  What are you ripping the discs to?  How do the rips compare to CD replay of the same disc?  Are you using a software package to enhance ripping capabilities such as dbPoweramp?  This matters a lot more to me than the cables
  DACs are personal choices.  Some people like X Ray Clarity DACs, other prefer them to roll off softer…Are there newer DACs than yours?  Sure.  Better?  Probably, but listen before you buy.  Digital evolves and changes fast, and in general, newer is better.