My MSB Analog DAC has gotten a bit long in the tooth; it’s eight years old now!  It’s a great DAC but I’m ready to move up the ladder a few rungs.

On my short list are these newer generation DAC’s:

MSB Premier DAC
DCS Rossini 
‘Lampizator Pacific DAC
Mola Mola Tambaqui

Have you compared any of these DACs?  Got a favorite?

This thread feels like a bunch of people arguing over the right shade of white. You can pretty much guarantee that whatever is hooked up to this level of DAC is going to have a far greater impact on the sound ... far far greater, than the DAC itself, so unless you are demoing it in your system, it is at best a crap shoot.

What did you end up purchasing and why?
Have you been happy with your purchase?

Thanks... 👍