Thoughts on Active/Passive Speakers? Looking for pros and cons.

Hi all, 

I've normally discounted the notion of active/passive speaker combos, but am warming up to the idea and may give them a listen.  Golden Ear gets good reviews, but i'm intrigued by the new Paradigm Founder Series 120H.  

Curious if anyone has heard the Founders, or maybe compared the Active Persona 9H against one of the lower end versions.  

Thanks in advance.  

In all of my experience active speakers were always suggested to be better than passive speakers.

The main (only?) drawbacks were always said to be greater expense and greater complexity of setup.

Having said that the only active setup I was quite familiar with was an Alpine car system.

Did it sound good?

Yes it did, with an exceptionally dynamic and fluid sound!
Actives are built to matched amps. The only thing they limit it is your ability to blow dough.
fuzztone - Huh, I don't get it. If your comment was for me, I said passive crossovers will protect drivers better. Since when are actives built to matched amps?
Actives are amps built to match speakers, is what I think fuzz meant.

Which is true. But as most of us know, there's more than one "match" between speaker and amp. In the case of active, an engineer has decided what's best. Probably a really tight and careful fit -- but it would be that fit, only. That was my initial point. 

The new P.S. Audio speakers will be partially active -- bass only.
Some of the Legacy speakers allow partial (just the woofers) or full range active operation. Couple with the Wavelet line stage/processor/DAC for active equalization and room correction.