Driving YG Carmel's

I have been enjoying my time with the YG Carmel speakers. Have any users of this speaker tried tube amps and/or SET's driving the Carmel's?
I use the BATRexpower amp (80wpc) and the sound is over the top good. Room is around 14 X 19 X 8'
Tube amps would be the best way to go. The highs can be very unnaturally bright with solid state.
Thats just not true. Having used them with several amps and heard them in four systems not mine, all SS BTW, these speakers have the least sonic signature of any I have owned or heard. Also you need to listen to more of the better tube amps out there, they extend way up there, just like SS.
Not sure how much listening you guys have done with the Carmels, but my conclusions come from around a year of experimenting with them.
As far as the original question. I prefer tube amps with every speaker i have owned. The Carmels let them show better than any other speaker i have owned or auditioned.
Go for it! :)