Modern Day Good Transport

I am in the process of going back to a DAC (Electrocompaniet ECD-1) and Transport setup. Any suggestions of some newer or few year old options for a good transport?

Suggestions would be much appreciated..


I have an EAD CD-1000 mk III which uses the Pioneer stable platter. Can I add the Genesis Time Lens to mine?

Vman71: If your EAD has an RCA, BNC, TosLink or Aes/Ebu digital output, you can drive the Genesis from any of these. The Genesis has a set of the same type of outputs to accommodate pretty much any DAC of your choice.
the lens seem to be a very cool device but pricey when everything is added up..

lens $400 (used)
cables $350 (used orchid, need one more with the lens)
power cord $250 (used audience)

comes in at a extra $1000 (estimated) would the $1k be better served by adding the lens or by adding/upgrading the transport clock ?

has anybody gone this route before ? the bummer with upgrading the transport, you lose the roi when you sell vs good roi recovery of selling the lens & cables..
I should mention too that I am doing something pretty cool with the DAC. I am running an Apple Airport Express into it via Toslink and am getting excellent results. At this point, I am leaning towards a Theta Transport or even a Meridian 500 MkII...