Modern Day Good Transport

I am in the process of going back to a DAC (Electrocompaniet ECD-1) and Transport setup. Any suggestions of some newer or few year old options for a good transport?

Suggestions would be much appreciated..

Vman71: If your EAD has an RCA, BNC, TosLink or Aes/Ebu digital output, you can drive the Genesis from any of these. The Genesis has a set of the same type of outputs to accommodate pretty much any DAC of your choice.
the lens seem to be a very cool device but pricey when everything is added up..

lens $400 (used)
cables $350 (used orchid, need one more with the lens)
power cord $250 (used audience)

comes in at a extra $1000 (estimated) would the $1k be better served by adding the lens or by adding/upgrading the transport clock ?

has anybody gone this route before ? the bummer with upgrading the transport, you lose the roi when you sell vs good roi recovery of selling the lens & cables..
I should mention too that I am doing something pretty cool with the DAC. I am running an Apple Airport Express into it via Toslink and am getting excellent results. At this point, I am leaning towards a Theta Transport or even a Meridian 500 MkII...
If you got a Genesis Lens, you could run both your Sony (as transport) and the Airport Express through it--it'll improve them both.

You wouldn't need as expensive a cable from the transport to the Lens--use your better cable from the Lens to DAC (though a better cable to the Lens will have some effect).

I have a new-found appreciation of my Lens after recently removing it from my system. Didn't notice too much initially, but putting it back in surprised me by how much more engaging the music was.

Along the lines of Mikesinger's comments, I was thinking of selling the Lens, it's cables (digital & power) and buying a better transport, but after this little experiment, I'm going to pass and keep the Lens for now.