There are a couple of things I don't want: Any kind of a computer integrated directly into my sound system or any other kind of an Erector Set of subcomponents such as disc drive, DAC and clock just to play silver discs. I view this as a secondary source. That it why I specified a one box solution in my OP. As far as PS Audio is concerned a couple of thoughts: First, their two box solution does much the same thing as the Marantz SA10, different approach but net effect quite similar, but at twice the price. Second, the company screwed their dealer network over last year and have effectively fixed their prices in an anti-competitive manner. I own their excellent power supply equipment, but don't think I want to get further in bed with them.
Back to the Marantz SA10, What HiFi is the only resource I have found so far that has rated both it and the Luxman D10X (although there are other ratings for one or the other). The ratings were done at different times, however, and I don't know anything about the credibility of What HiFi. Can anyone offer insight?
I am unfamiliar with Hegel.