Bookshelf/Small Speakers

Do not listen to my tube system & Thiels anymore & will be downsizing soon.  Therefore, what are some of the best bookshelf, small speakers available?  I do have a Carver M 400 laying around some where that I will probably use or possibly go to an integrate amp.  Thank you.  
Find your pleasing small speakers, but add a small powered subwoofer like a Rel T7i
this assumes you are in a smallish room, and not a head-banger. 
I used to have many pairs of totem speakers: model 1’s, arro, and a couple pairs of mani 2’s. I used a Rel sub with the model 1’s. The mani’s are far better than the model 1’s but you need a very good powerful amp, even the model 1’s need a good amp to sound their best.
I sold all of my totem’s and bought all Usher speakers. I think the new Ushers blow away the totems mainly because of the Diamond tweeter. Even their silk or beryllium tweeters sound better. A small usher speaker is the s-520, the bigger bookshelf are the x-719 with silk tweeter. A move up is to the mini-x with the Diamond tweeter. I’ve owned all of these plus some of their floorstanding speakers and still have the s-520’s and their larger x-towers.
Plus 1 on any iteration of the Kef LS50.  Supplement the low end with a micro sub from Kef or SVS (depending on budget). 
I just picked up a pair of RS6 Infinities for 50.00 usd I had 2 new Dayton 8" reference HE drivers.. Holy moly. What a killer speaker. That speaker will better most bookshelfs at 2-4k. AT least 92% efficient.

A MC225 is just thumpin' and clear as a bell with poly dome mids  and planar/ribbons for highs..

No kidding they will better the LS50 2 X pretty easy.. I like the LS50 just no match for the RS6s. I have a whoppin 200.00 usd invested.. All poly caps (100 year caps). 50-100.00 more on a XO rebuild.. Fun project took me 3 hours.. with a clean and wax job..

Options ay...
