Need opinions on ceiling reflections

All,I have a soffit that is running length-wise on the LEFT side of the ceiling (picture in my system). The ceiling is 8' and the soffit part drops down about 1'. The speakers and sound panels are positioned with a precision of 1/8th of an inch and it sounds amazing - especially on the RIGHT side. The music appears to come from way back and way outside the RIGHT speaker and you can actually "look" that images of various instruments playing in those empty spaces. But I have a heard time "seeing" those images on the LEFT side speaker. I have a feeling that this issue happens because the reflection point on the left side ceiling is a foot lower than the one on the right side ceiling. I was planning of getting some acoustic foam and attach it to the ceiling using T-pins (since it is a textured ceiling and foam tapes will not work). I assumed that this will absorb the reflections and could work on restoring the proper timing/clarity on left side.

Could you guys weigh in and let me know your thoughts? Please feel free to let me know if I am off and the issue is completely different.
I would get 10 - 15 5 foot artificial ficus trees and 2 to 4 7 - 8 foot artificial ficus, as leafy as possible. 

I would position two tall trees and enough small one behind the speakers to "hide" the green wall and a tree in front of the wood panel (projection screen?) that can be moved out of the way when necessary. 

I would also place two ficus trees(tall ones, preferably) in each corner in front of the corner reflectors.  

I would place one tree behind and slightly to the room center line of each speakers.  

I would place one tree between the speakers and the wall absorbers to enhance diffusion of side wall reflections), one tree to each side and slightly in front of the primary listening position.  

I would place at least four trees along the back wall and along the rear side walls.  Maybe two a couple of feet behind the listening position.   

Yeah, your room is going to look like you're on a hunting trip, but all those artificial ficus trees with their leaves act like diffusers.  And they work great.  

So your question is what to do about ceiling reflections.  I suggest that you need to handle general room reflections first.  What you have appears to me to be inadequate.

hilde45, I think that is pretty obvious. Who stuffed the pillow cases? I bet you made your wife do that also 😲  My wife would not risk breaking her fingernails. She even likes the look of the tiles (they are hidden behind the loudspeakers) 

It is why Howard Johnson's made 28 flavors.
Are you using any of the test CDs to arrive at your conclusion?  They have some excellent channel separation and imaging tracks.  Looking at your room photos I tend to doubt the soffit idea, but I'm just speculating.

Very nice system and room.  I am all about symmetry, so in that vein I would equalize the soffit such that it is centered.  Yes it looks like that would double its width.  But unless you always listen with eyes closed that visual imbalance will be hard for your brain to ignore.  I predict that no matter how much acoustic treatment you use the imbalance will remain.  I apologize that this may hurt more than help.
