I had the Bryston BDP3. Sounds great but buggy, very difficult to operate. Sold it to pay for my Melco
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- 24 posts total
“I really like the 2 box approach with seperate power supply” If you have the coin, there isn’t anything else currently available that can rival the performance, features and built quality of aurender N30SA. https://mcusercontent.com/0f6eee7f1bf26e68dc5694038/files/df439d11-e959-b4a9-1945-88d82525f56e/N30SA... |
mahler123 I had the Bryston BDP3. Sounds great but buggy, very difficult to operate. Sold it to pay for my MelcoThat's interesting. What you describe was my experience with Aurender. I dumped it in favor of the Bryston BDP-3, which has worked very well for me. I do use Rigelian. |
- 24 posts total