TDL Compact Monitors

Hello everyone,
I have recently picked up a new pair of Klipsch Heresy's and I am simply in love with them.
They replaced my beautiful pair of TDL Compact monitors I bough new many moons ago. I worked in a wonderful audio shop and we sold TDL, Mission, Paradigm, Tannoy just to name a few. 
I was wondering if they would be worth putting the TDL's up for sale. They are nearly perfect with original box and papers. I sort of hate to part with them, but they are boxed away and just hate the thought of them not being used as intended. 
Any suggestions would be most welcome. 
Thank you
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433
I only heard those Reference Standards once in a customer's home. Big power from a MAC 2500 or maybe it was a couple BGW's bridged mono. What an amazing sound, effortless power and extension, warm open soundstage. No wonder you regret letting them go Roxy. In a way it became what I've been chasing ever since. My combo of Klipsch and SVS PB2000 sub is where I've found it within my budget.

Maybe I'll just keep my TDL's and create a little bookshelf system, I have a sweet little Areston integrated I've not used in ages. I'm pretty sure if i let the TDL's go, I'm going to regret it.  
I think you'd regret it too. you'd be selling a rare bit of history and not getting much for it.
As far as my TDL's were concerned, I sold the first pair of Monitors in a flurry of youthful indecision. In other words, I was trying out a lot of other things. In about 2006, I found another pair TDL Monitors here on Audiogon, and traveled for 5 hours to pick them up. I got them home, and realized quickly that they could not stand up (to my ears) to the preowned Klipsch Epic CF-4s that I had recently purchased. 
I would have been great to keep both, but you need a big house for that.
@doyle3433 - 

Keep them.  Good speaker, and I agree you probably wouldn't get enough for them.  
Thanks guys, I'm backing away from the abyss. I've let go of several pieces I wish i hadn't. Gave away a nice bookshelf system to my brother, Mission Cyrus one amp with Rogers LS4 speakers. A  Threshold 400A amp, an early Cary Hybrid amp 2300A, my old DA 10's i saved up for in high school, velodyne sub, TDL 0.5's... the only non regret was selling a pair of NHT's, they just never did anything for me.