Underwood Hifi / Underwood Wally...

I sometimes receive e-mail blasts from this seller/retailer.  This online retailer seem to handle many brands of various audio components, some with some name recognition, some with none.  All products are advertised with screaming discounts and cable giveaways (is this a red flag?). 

Some of the brands like GAS and LSA, seem to go back quite some years.  I am trying to understand how this business works and whether it is reputable for selling solid gear.  Or is this like some retailers that buy up old defunct trademarks then sources gear from cheap contract suppliers that make stuff at low cost, cutting corners with quality?

Would appreciate any insight or customer experiences.  There are a number of items that could be of interest to me as I upgrade my two channel system but I can't help but be somewhat wary.
To all who replied, many thanks for your input. Also appreciated those who sent me messages by DM. I understand your various experiences, positive and negative.  It is really a nice group of knowledgeable people here with an excellent base of experience.
I was looking for floor standing speakers that I could place within two feet of the wall. Was looking at LSAs and other offerings he had and he talked me out of them. I asked him about transmission line offerings and [while he didn't carry them] he did support that might allow me to meet my goals.

Recently, looking to get back into records, I purchased his lower end LSA turntable. We negotiated a deal on cables and all came within about 10 days with the cartridge mounted at the factory before being shipped. I can't be more happy with my purchase. 
Who is Underwood Wally?

A well educated, veteran audiophile. A smart promoter.
A responsive, people person.

He helped our club by providing an LSA monitor for a 10 Speaker shootout in 2019.
BTW his speaker was the only pair sold at the event. 

He knows how to create value and that is what his lines typical represent. 

Not going to hold resale like a Mc or  Pass but gets you close 
for a lot less $$.

You should call and chat with him. Very amenable fellow.
I am still somewhat new to this hobby and have purchased several times from Underwood.  Never any issues.

Each time I spoke with Walter was a mini education for me.
Walter is very gracious with his time and knowledge.

Definitely worth reaching out to him.

Way back when I joined this forum he was really well known for modding gear. Unison was one brand that he would completely overhaul. I called him with a question about an amp a couple years ago had a great conversation about global exchange rates, real estate, inventory management, etc. He told me about his early passion for modding gear but just had too much going on with the business or businesses. Seems like a hard working guy.