Recapturing my youth

I grew up in the 70s and 80s and my first pair of speakers were Boston Acoustics A-40s. I always lusted for a pair of the big floor standing models. When I was in HS, my band director had a pair of Snell As with the electronic crossover driven by a Hafler 500. It blew me away and can be credited with starting my journey into audio. 

I have a primary 2-channel system in my main listening room. We’re renovating the family room and it will have a 2-channel system for the TV. I was thinking of getting some classic speakers for the new room and either buy them already restored or fix up some that I get a deal on. I live outside of Boston, so there are lots of resources for both BA and Snell parts and used speakers in the area. Any suggestions about the best way to go about this? Am I likely to be sonically disappointed by well restored speakers from this era? I’m assuming at minimum there will be new foam surrounds and capacitors in my future. I’m thinking about one of the floor standing models from Boston Acoustics or Snell that were shaped like the UN building. LOL. 
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Romance is a wonderful state with no borders. *S*

A certain pragmatism courting a old flame is still something to keep in mind.... ;)

...oh, Enjoy! 👍
When I was in my twenties I lusted for a pair of Klipschorns.  When I was in my fifties I bought a pair to use the bass horns as part of a DIY fully horn loaded system I was putting together.  Needless to say I listened to the Khorns full range to see if they still thrilled me.  They didn't.  Perhaps the dream speakers of our youth really are best left as memories.
When I was early 30s there was a younger woman that both my BF at the time and I lusted after.  Among her ample physical assets were her liquid blue eyes. Some 10 years later I hooked up with her

Some fantasies are better left in the mind

Several of the speakers you mentioned are both big and heavy. Shipping is very costly, and if they are not properly boxed and palleted, you can be in for a rude awakening
ALL good things to think about. Shipping costs, driver and crossover repair can all add up to less value than is anticipated. I've shifted into neutral...