It’s not just Graphene there is more then that that is not disclosed .
High Fidelity cables spent over a year in R&D in this formula I am very please I used everything available including Furutech nano fluid, Caig pro gold stabilant22 and several others once you put it on Everything
it takes a solid month to fully settle in .it’s been 3 months now ,my system has not sounded better, I even removed it from the interconnects ,and it was very apparent. Much better with the1260 fluid.
High Fidelity cables spent over a year in R&D in this formula I am very please I used everything available including Furutech nano fluid, Caig pro gold stabilant22 and several others once you put it on Everything
it takes a solid month to fully settle in .it’s been 3 months now ,my system has not sounded better, I even removed it from the interconnects ,and it was very apparent. Much better with the1260 fluid.