The best $99 system upgrade ever!

Hello everyone I’d like to share with you the single best $99 upgrade. I’ve always suffered from excessive earwax, long ago when I was a boy my mom would clean my ears and unknowingly would put a Q-tip in my ear and do nothing but make my hearing worse because she claimed she would impact my head with earwax. As I got older I figured out a way to do it on my own but it was always a project. I found this new device called and axle Glade that has a camera attached to a little spoon like device that helps you get the gunk out of your head. Now that I’m handicap I get help from my aid but I’m always astonished at every 30 days the stuff that comes out of my ears and then my system sounds completely different. Which is where I was going with this long winded post. If you want your system to sound like you bought a new $10,000 DAC just take half an hour and get the gunk out of your ears. It’s amazing what a difference it makes. Here’s a link.
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Slay's technique is by far the safest, most effective means of clearing the ear wax - so, long as you use warm water and not too much pressure.  Use the alcohol dryer to dry them out afterwards.  Once a month keeps them clear.
Do not use the high pressure devices with a small nozzel, like the ENT's often use - they can very easily damage your ear drum.  
I find that when I awake in the morning, my earwax is soft. A Q-tip, though not advised my doctors, removes the wax with ease and no discomfort what so ever. My hearing is excellent. My selective hearing is another issue.
I've been using the ear water bulb wax removal stuff for many like a charm and is harmless. Somehow I doubt any ear doctor would recommend anything else. Health tip: Never try to blow the wax out of your ears with a small explosive.
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