The Hungarian is here and staying for ever.

So you all may have seen my review I am only going to say this.
The Audio Hungary Qualiton X 200 is staying and will be here for a long, long time.
It is replacing my Simaudio 600 V2 and I am not looking back.
This tube integrated amazes me with it's sound stage, detail, depth, breadth, speed and flexibility with all genres.
 No it is not your typical Asian eBay amazon syrup cheap tube amp.
Step up and try real tubes in a real integrated.
Just saying this is real world gear not crap hyped up by Sterophile or the other rags.

KT170 took this thing to an all new level.
has anyone heard the a20i? 
I'm trying to decide between the x200 and it..

my speakers are around 96db so both are fine

@timrvt -- I heard the a20i a few weeks ago. I was so impressed that I decided to order the a50i since my speakers are not particularly high efficiency. While I did not get a chance to listen to X200, my understand from talking to a couple of dealers is that they are sonically more similar than different. The a20i being pure class A will obviously offer the typical virtues of that class. It is going to have better midrange and high frequency response (sweeter), but the X200 will give you better dynamics and slam and can drive pretty much any reasonably efficient speaker. Of course this doesn’t mean the X200 lacks in midrange qualities, but from what I hear the a20 is just a little better but at the expense of dynamics. You can’t go wrong with either.
@wig -- call atelier13-usa and ask for Constantin. He is one of the most straightforward, passionate dealer I've talked to in a while.