Integrated/Power Amp for Vienna Acoustics Mahler

My current system consists of a Teac VRDS-25 CD player with a superclock used only as a transport (and a streamer) into a Weiss DAC 202. The Weiss feeds a BAT VK40 preamp modified with Mundorf SilverOil coupling caps. The powers amps are DIY Hypex Ncore NC400 based monoblocks feeding the Vienna Acoustics Mahlers speakers with upgraded crossover components. There is no analogue front end. I mainly listen to rock, progressive metal/symphonic metal and a little opera.

The system sounds good but I feel the highs are little harsh, perhaps even thin with perhaps a hint of sibilance which I think could be associated with the Class D amplification. I am therefore thinking of either upgrading the monoblocks or replace the preamp and the power amps with a quality integrated. Valves are out, the Mahlers while are relatively efficient, present a difficult load dropping to below 3 Ohms at some frequencies bellow 100Hz, IMO they need loads of current to drive them properly.

I am considering the following integrated amps:
  •  Gryphon Diablo ( the original, NOT the 3000) / Diablo120
  •  T+A PA3000HV
  •  ASR Emitter II (Exclusive) 
  •  Vitus RI-100
  •  Audio Flight FLS10 
  • Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary
  •  Audionet Watt?

Alternatively I keep the BAT preamp and I look for a power amp:
  •  Old secondhand Gryphon Antileon (perhaps Signature, not the EVO)
  •  Burmester 956 MKII
  •  Linnenberg Liszt
  •  Kinki Studio EX-P7

I am based in Europe, all of the above are within my budget (mostly secondhand), I could stretch my budget for something exceptional. Unfortunately there is no way I could audition any of it where I live so it is going to be a blind buy...
Anything else to consider? Any thoughts?


I think this is a great question to ask. Your upstream components will point your amp and speakers to a sound balance… the amp being the final component. You have really good components, so worth really taking some time. I think in your other post you said you live far from a city. Consider taking an audio trip. A day or two. Make arrangements with one or more audio shops. Make schedules with them. Listen to pure systems looking for “the sound” you like. Read professional reviews of the equipment you hear. This will calibrate you to a standard. Will make reading about equipment useful.. Forums have people with opinions but without standards of terminology and values. For me, it has always been Audio Research has had the warmth and details. But that is for you to decide.
Thank you for responding! I honestly didn't expect anyone to reply after such a long time. I used to live in London and I would regularly visit several hifi shops. Where I am living currently is very difficult to find dedicated hifi shops and with Covid almost impossible to travel. I do read all the usual reviews and visit several forums but you are right there is nothing like listening to the actual equipment.
Wow, you are right it has been nearly a year, I don’t know how I ran into it. My partner and I have been vaccinated for a couple months the audio shops are opening up by appointment. Have you done anything about an amp? I am in the US but lived near Edinburgh for a year and traveled to our office outside of London a lot. How’s the pandemic?
Glad you have been vaccinated and you have freedom to move around. I have done anything about the amp yet, we have been busy renovating a dream house which we are just about finishing off. I lived in the UK for many, many years always in London and the south coast but I am moving back to my native country, Greece. I see you are from the US as I guess most of the members over here, I have been visiting the US very frequently, mainly with work. The pandemic has been devastating and travel restriction still apply, I am waiting for my second jab.