Average Price Spent for Speakers

Everyone reading this, please respond if you will. What is the average price you spend on a pair of loudspeakers? What determines that expenditure amount? Earlier in your hobby life, what determined how much when you were a neophyte?
Also, for non audiophiles, if there are any reading this site, what do you spend, and what determines that amount?
In the absence of non audiophiles, everyone out there, what do your non audio friends spend for speakers (if they do buy)? Where do they shop? What is the determining factor in HOW much?
Thanks for your response.
I have found,for me,the best bet is buy used. I have three pairs of speakers that I rotate through 2 systems . Nola Boxer 2's, Graham Chartwell LS 3/5's,and a pair of Hornshoppe Great Horned Heils. I purchased them all used,at least 50% off of list. I love each and every one of them. 
For the average audiophile, 100 hours seems about right unless you have a stash of cash.  Any more than that and you are either single or dealing drugs.
Around 2006, I was very dissatisfied with the B&W P-series speakers I had and sought advice, here. Someone suggested I buy a "like new" pair of Silverline SR 17.5's listed on the 'Gon and for some reason, I took his advice. I didn't even check on the color, before-hand.  (What was I thinking? Good thing I like piano black). I don't remember what I paid-- $2500, maybe? Could've been less. 

Now, I'd never buy gear at the drop of a hat, without having heard it first in my room. With the Silverlines, I was just very lucky-- my "listening room" is our livingroom and there's really only one possible location for speakers but the Silverlines work well enough, there. 

I've gone through a few upgrade cycles since 2006 and at this point, have 20-25K invested in the system. I'll probably move up to the Silverline Supremes that list for $7500 eventually, but I'm in no hurry. 

So, there you go -- no engineering background; no research; no demo. . . just luck. Another reason I can't seriously call myself an audiophile! 
Everyone reading this, please respond if you will. What is the average price you spend on a pair of loudspeakers?

I bought the Seas Thor kit back in 2004 @ $1700
Just months ago, I upgraded the xovers and new Millennium tweets at $1400. Salvaged 1/2 that upgrade.
I could never see paying more than say $2500, which i will spend ona  new speaker in late September. 
In 3 years when i sell my house, I will take some of that cash and buy a  $10k speaker. 
So yeah $2500 is my limit. Now.