Ortofon Century Turntable…Any thoughts or experiences?

Hello all,

Wondering if anyone has any experience or thoughts regarding the Ortofon Century turntable?


I’ve been a direct-drive turntable owner (Technics 1200 MKII, several Denon models including current VL12 Prime) because I always valued this design’s ability to maintain accuracy and pitch.  But I’m interested in trying out a good belt-drive, especially one with an electronic speed control, which this model has.  It seems like a really complete, ready-to-play package.  The model has been discontinued for a few years now, but used prices are definitely competitive with the other ‘tables I’m considering such as the Technics 1200-G and SOTA models (non-vacuum).

Thanks for any feedback.  Hope everyone’s doing well!

Don't know details but the stock photo you link to shows a Concorde cart right? Now I have spun lots of great sets on a Concorde but lets just say they aren't high end...
Get a 1200g
Your two other considerations are likely much better performers.

The Concorde was just a spruced up $1K Project Classic.
Get a Sota Sapphire in the 10 year old range then you can update it to modern spec as you can afford to including the Eclipse drive system, new mat and Reflex clamp system. I think  you can also add the new bearing.
Eventually, you can add the tonearm of your choice. You can start with an inexpensive used table and evolve it into a final turntable as money allows.