I installed the Pangea 1.0M late yesterday. Some of the improvements were immediate; much better separation of singers/instruments, deeper sound stage, better bass impact. Over several hours this improved as well as timber and tone, and location of instruments and backup singers on a much more believable stage.
CSN, which I have owned for 3+ decades was a perfect example of how amazing this cable is. Each voice was considerably more distinct from each other, and easy to tell whether it was Crosby or Nash; Stills sang mostly harmony until the last cut. New Favorite is a much better recording with similar distinctions
How much better can the multi-hundred dollar coax cables be? Best $49.95 I've spent, well maybe the Machina Dynamica NEW Dark Matter applied to the CD tray. This is a must for CDs
I ordered the 1.5M yesterday (only $10 more). It takes 3 days to get here, so I will have a couple days playtime should there be more break in. Which begs the question, what is approximate hours needed before coax breaks in?