Digital Cables: Optical, Coax, BNC, or a simple RCA interconnect?

Until recently I've been using a WireWorld Optical cable (~$100) which I bought when I was using a Pioneer PD 65 CD player as a transport (until it died) and optical was the only out option. So, I've been using my Oppo 105 to play both SACDs direct via XLRs to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 dac/pre and recently using the optical cable for redbook playback.

Last week I was reading up on Coax, and one thread suggested trying a regular RCA interconnect, although the connectors are not 75ohms. I had a pair of DHLabs BL-1 (older light blue jacket) laying around and decided to compare it to the optical. Easy Peasy as the DDP-1 has various input connections which can be accessed on the remote. Well, amazing doesn't come close to how much the music became alive/tactile/3D.
So, I looked on DHLabs site after reading that their D-750 was highly regarded. They will let me return it if Im not satisfied. That's the good news, but a 1.0m cable is $150, certainly not expensive, but Pangea makes one that seems extremely well thought out and it's on sale at Audio Advisor for $49.95 plus free shipping, so I ordered it. Depending on how much it blows me away I may go ahead and order the DHLabs too, just to compare
Anybody have anything to contribute?
Well, I’m in the same area code as they are so If I ever find myself in need of one of their cables, it shouldn’t be too hard to simply call them up. 👍
I still have one that Tony Minasian made for me some years back (he's a recording engineer) so I'll have to see where I stashed that one.

All the best,

Interesting. Do you also have the PS 5? It took me about 6 months to locate one. It is well worth the price. If you need on contact Peter M direct

My life is so simple. I just buy the appropriate Cardas cable that I can afford. ;) Just bought their cheap digital RCA one, for my somewhat experimental network bridge I have built.
I installed the Pangea 1.0M late yesterday. Some of the improvements were immediate; much better separation of singers/instruments, deeper sound stage, better bass impact. Over several hours this improved as well as timber and tone, and  location of instruments and backup singers on a much more believable stage.

CSN, which I have owned for 3+ decades was a perfect example of how amazing this cable is. Each voice was considerably more distinct from each other, and easy to tell whether it was Crosby or Nash; Stills sang mostly harmony until the last cut. New Favorite is a much better recording with similar distinctions 

How much better can the multi-hundred dollar coax cables be? Best $49.95 I've spent, well maybe the Machina Dynamica NEW Dark Matter applied to the CD tray.  This is a must for CDs

I ordered the 1.5M yesterday (only $10 more). It takes 3 days to get here, so I will have a couple days playtime should there be more break in. Which begs the question, what is approximate hours needed before coax breaks in?