FUN wore off quick for me.. I was 25 or so I'm 66 now.. I still have a SET or two around here.. Cute things.
~~~I;ll soon be 66,
Never been, nor ever will makea buy ona SET, I will a 12 tube PP amp for the PS driver I intend to purchase in sept.
maybe not ideal match, , but will have to work out as my bass speakers are 87db,. SET. won't work.
I need slam to get the W18's to respond, And I listen to major full orch music, SET again abit anemic for my music needs.
~~~I;ll soon be 66,
Never been, nor ever will makea buy ona SET, I will a 12 tube PP amp for the PS driver I intend to purchase in sept.
maybe not ideal match, , but will have to work out as my bass speakers are 87db,. SET. won't work.
I need slam to get the W18's to respond, And I listen to major full orch music, SET again abit anemic for my music needs.