Townshend Seismic Podiums

Has anyone purchased Townshend Seismic Podiums to be used on Vienna Acoustics speakers such as the " "Music"  or the  "List"? If so, how do you feel they affected the sonics in terms of bass and overall soundstage?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Dead right @pengun.  Simple really.  All said in two short, simple sentences.  Bravo.  To the rest: boing boing.
"...if your interest is piqued, try a set of Pods on your most sensitive component."

But PLEEEZE fit them carefully.
Springs would appear counter intuitive , but believe me once heard you will appreciate they are better than spikes by a good margin.
The secret is not to kill vibrations - but to put them in a certain spectrum ... for this reason there is no universal device - every situation is individual ... it's like tuning a musical instrument ...

don't believe me? - put a heavy dumbbell on your acoustics - the sound will deteriorate - it will become jammed ...

no one makes turntables out of rubber and lead for the same reason ... you have to catch certain vibrations ...

I checked the Mapleshade system - it works noticeably on a tube amplifier ...

The springs worked well in the Rocsan Dp 1 CD transport (there the drive floats on springs) ... - apparently it was calculated successfully. 
As usual, there are people who are so sure of the correctness of their beliefs (ones that I myself held until I got religion, so to speak) that they aren’t even willing to give Max Townshend a hearing. Their loss. As I said, Max answers the question of why simply securing a loudspeaker enclosure solidly in place is NOT "the answer". If you aren’t interested in learning (and hearing) why that is so, well, why are you even reading this thread? Just to bask in your own self-anointed smug superiority and self-righteousness? No offence intended.