Townshend Seismic Podiums

Has anyone purchased Townshend Seismic Podiums to be used on Vienna Acoustics speakers such as the " "Music"  or the  "List"? If so, how do you feel they affected the sonics in terms of bass and overall soundstage?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Addendum: One thing I neglected to mention:

The matter of "seismic" level vibration isolation is of significance only after system transparency and resolution has achieved a "certain" level of quality. Geez, I’m reminding myself of Chris Farley’s "motivational speaker" character on SNL ;-) .

Good lord. You want them locked to the ground. Any speaker movement will smear your sound. Serious spikes, steel straps and turnbuckles may be overkill.
Dead right @pengun.  Simple really.  All said in two short, simple sentences.  Bravo.  To the rest: boing boing.
"...if your interest is piqued, try a set of Pods on your most sensitive component."

But PLEEEZE fit them carefully.
Springs would appear counter intuitive , but believe me once heard you will appreciate they are better than spikes by a good margin.