B&K ST-140 amplifier buying decision

I have heard good things about this old amplifier. I like lush sound and read this amp fits the bill. Is it that good? Is it worth to pay $300 for it?

I have read there are two versions of this amp. I believe the one I put links below is the first/“better” version. Can someone confirm?

I don’t see any serial or tag on the back but it is old, so it is fine. I doubt it is something else inside :)

It is in working condition but probably would need to be recapped soon. So, that’s another cost. I do want to try this type old amps but then I am not that handy when it comes to fixing this type of stuff. Can do some fixing but not enough. 

I’ve owned several of these - all of them the 105 watt versions. If that’s the 70 version in pristine condition it may be worth a little more, but if not it should sell for $150-$200 if it’s in excellent condition.
Well made, very  nice sounding amp.  $300 isn't a steal, but I doubt you'll find better for that price.  That amp caused quite a stir when it came onto the scene.  I picked one up for my son recently, and was thrilled to find it.
i believe the earlier version of the st140 had a blue/red B&K logo and the later one had a gold logo. i used to own the later (gold) version and it was a nice amp--warm and full-sounding-though slightly grainy and not the most transparent. overall i preferred comparably-priced parasound hca, and as per the above i'd think $300 is a tad rich.

Thank you guys! I Iearned more about it after your posts. I think I will get it but need to work on the price.

I have read more on the Stereophile link and noticed Sam Tellig talking about Eagle 2 which I have never heard. I looked into it and come to find out there is a strange story about the designer, John Gordon Iverson, of that amp!

Read it here:
