What are some good sources for buying new LPs and CDs

Fed up with Amazon and vacuous delivery times. I have had good luck with Acousitic Sounds out of Kansas. what are some other good outlets?
Ebay and discogs....Amazon is very limiting and most "new" records are awful. Better off finding mint or sealed older pressings.
I never buy new CDs if I can avoid them.. What's the difference; it's not like old lps.  I rip them all anyway for better convenience and better SQ.

Ebay is usually best with the absolutely easiest no-cost return if there's a problem.  For hard to find items I might look on Doscogs.
The best source would be your local record shop if you have one. Nothing beats the experience of flipping through bins of Lp's and CDs and discovering something new.
I must admit we have a local record shop and once a month as a treat I go down and pick up a few.