squeezebox and home network

From reading about Squeezebox, it seems such a good idea. However, my computer knowledge is very limited and I hope fellow Audiogoners can help me out a bit.

My home is a recently constructed and it is wired with Cat-5 cable and I can see wall plugs in every room where I can plug in a network cable. The sales manager told me that I can set up a network down in the basement where the cable and telephone wire come in.

If that’s the case, ie, I set up the network and any computer plugged into the wall can join the network, then I can just use Squeezebox Ethernet connection rather than the wireless connection, right? Would that improve sound quality somewhat?

Also, if I rip cd and store them on a hard drive, using EAC, no compression, what’s the size of the hard drive I need to have , say per 200 cd.

Stereophile's 3/21 eNewsletter has a John Atkinson review of the Squeezebox. He loves it. It's a superb piece of reviewing, highly recommended. He says he'll follow up with measurements in a future Stereophile.

Is this online somewhere? I went to Stereophile site and they did not have it up.

I get it in email and I guess there is a lag before they post it in the eNewsletters section. Send me your email address and I'll forward it to you. Goes for everyone else, too.
John Atkinson said comparing the SB and Ayre C-5xe both feeding a ML DAC :

"Perhaps there was an increased sense of authority to the sound of the CD on the Ayre used as a transport, a better sense of extended low frequencies"

Perhaps the Ayre C-5xe is not that great when used as a transport, or maybe the differences would be larger.
Or maybe digital coming off a hard drive is as good as any transport. I'm not saying that's so, but I wonder if it could be.

The comparison I'd like JA to also make is the SB to ML vs. the Ayre as CDP. That is largely a comparison of the two DACs, but I think it would shed some light on things. And as I've said before, if only Ayre had included a digital input in the C-5xe.