warmest speaker cables you've heard?

I'm looking for a short length of speaker cables, which i need to be as warm as possible..
Price wise, looking at USD700 and below for 1m length pair.

it'll be placed in between an Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp and a RAAL-requisite SR1a speaker adaptor box.
The SR1a is ruthless and clinical and I am looking to add as much warmth as I can. 

Assume the rest of the gear and interconnects have been decided/cannot be swapped out. So just left with the speaker cables to sort out.

I've been told the following are good candidates:
Kimber 8TC
Tellurium Q Black II
Tellurium Ultra Blue

Anything else I should be looking at?
@jasonbourne52 Wire is not a tone control - contrary to what the "golden ears" crowd claims!

Disagree 100%. With moderate hearing, some (not all) interconnect and speaker cabling absolutely CAN function as a passive tone control, grain & edge control, even to the degree it can ruin and collapse a sound stage when using poorly designed cabling. Matching up good cabling can be rewarding in lieu of rotating through various amps or tubes like some people do obsessively. A good cable synergy can be truly rewarding when you hit the target, particularly when 50% or more of the recordings out there are not that great. Or do like some of my colleagues have and finally caved after decades and pick up a preamp with tone controls. Not for me, decent cabling can do the trick too! Home Depot zip cord ain't gonna cut it.
wire/cabling is absolutely a tone control, whether we like it or not

questions are more or less, in what sense, and do we know how to employ the effect to the benefit of the system in how it produces the music
Vast majority of cables get the tone control rap because they are dealing with signal resonance primarily by means of tuning them to sound less bad. Always thought they were getting better by eliminating distortions, and that is part of what they do. But what they are left with, they try and tune to sound the way they want. That is why all the different cable brands tend to have the same sonic signature or House Sound. 

Never even dreamed the extent to which they all do this until I tried Townshend F1. Sorry, they are not warm. They are just... right.
If you want the best SCs available, the Silversmith Fideliums.
Believe a 4’ pair are $795.
I replaced $6K cables that are now junk relatively. Warm, I guess so. But if you want to hear everything the SR1as are capable, 30 day trial. You will not return.
I’m curious they are Ribbon Headphones, you’re trying to voice?
You want the mids to be warmer and the highs tamed a bit?

Now you know what a TONE control is used for..

OFC, NOT OCC cable. HIGH stand count # 16-12, with PTFE.

You have to be VERY careful with silver over copper in SC or low strand count cable.

Even a #12 is to big for just headphones. OFC multi wire WEAVE with a high strand count. NO SILVER..  Use red copper ends crimped into place. NO SOLDER. Unless you tin correctly.. or use copper Allen heads.

30.00 usd.. If you want the best for warmth anyway..

Here is a tid bit.. hook up ONLY the left one, not both at the same time.. SEE if you hear the difference and voice the cable the way it sounds the best. In other words reverse the direction, it may help A LOT..

I'd try a contact enhancer too with the copper and let them settle.
In 50 hours, they are going to sound the way they are doing to sound..
